The Mind is Talking

THE WORDS I am using are my intent squashed down into human words in three dimensional space/time,I can not really say anything to you directly, teach you anything, or even make any kind of contact with you ,or ever prove I exist( You can not hear Cosmic words, and I can not speak with human language, so what follows is a poetic "shadow" being cast down into your space /time.)

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Raul Rosiles Comment
World Events, Energy and Secrets

I want to comment on two things this newsletter
One is world events and One is "Secrets" type creating reality.
First of all about War & Energy. We live in ourselves All experience is perception
Some questions I ask myself before pointing out faults of "the world"...
Am I at peace within my self?How am I struggling with just "me"?

Do I feel I have enough energy?Do I objectify my self or others?
Is there a value I would die for?How do I feel about others dieing?
How do I feel about the career of "Soldier"?What kind of world do I want to live in?

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Raul RosilesComment