SBL in New York & Voting Minds

Hello my dear friends and family.
Please forward this to everyone you feel would welcome this e-mail
I will be in NEW YORK city speaking on Soul Based Living
and will create a very few Soul Portraits March 24 till 30Th
Please advise those that you know who live near there that I will be creating just a handful of
Soul Portraits.
The event in Manhattan will be with Al Diaz. He will be speaking on The Titus Concept.
Al is a new friend of mine. Al has a great energy. I am very happy to be creating an event inNew York city with him.
The details are not set yet, however the event will be most likely the Wed. of that week.
I will be speaking on Soul Based Living at:
Controversial books in San Diego on Sat. Jan. 19th 3063 University Av. San Diego 619-296-1560
from 3 till 5 pm. check out their website
( events are at lower left of their website.)
This is my first major public speaking event after my February realization of being Trans-personal.
To hear more about that, just read the essay called
The Mind is Talking on my Blog.
Al Diaz and I will create an event again together in the Los Angeles area, in April.
O.K. now may I say a few words on the elections? Thanks for asking.
I myself will never again vote until there is a global vote.Something
everyone on Earth is voting on. I am a citizen of the world.
There is a certain vibration to national politics I am no longer in frequency with. Not to be too strange about it. I feel it is no longer proper for me to vote.It is hard to put into words.I have a strong feeling it is wrong for me to ever vote again.Until it is at the planetary level.
If you are voting, or just curious about the elections. Let me suggest this.
Look at the candidates as beings of energy. They most certainly are.
What energy do you feel from them? Now we know people are helping them to look,sound, and feel a certain way. They have their consultants.
Look at their websites. (Yes I know allot of suggestions about websites this e-mail,that is on purpose.)
Of course see them in the debates or any speech they do. However look more closely.Look at there body language, expressions,tone of voice.
One candidate looked side ways slightly as he was saying I want to be your president ( he does not really) No. I wont tell which candidate.
I can say I feel we are reaching a crossroads as a country.
Choose your leaders ever so carefully.
I will say we have had a Summer of Love energy again. That is the only clue I feel o.k. about giving.
Even if certain forces want you to be scared, really things are getting better all the time.

Raul RosilesComment