Educational Offerings
Advance your spiritual path with the following Shamanic Journeys, trainings or certifications.
Trainings and Certifications
SBL Meditation Training. ongoing classes
SBL Meditation Teacher Training
SBL Meditation Teacher Lineage Holder Training
Supreme Bright Light Healer Training Level One(2 day )
Supreme Bright Light Healer Training Level Two ( 2 days)
Supreme Bright Light Teacher Training (4 days)
Palo Grande 'Internal Martial Arts"
Formal Sangha 'Angel University'
Soul Based Living
Physics of Spiritual Light
Secrets of the Multiverse & Dimensions
The Divine Mother
Buddha's Eight Fold Path
Greek Philosophy
Shamanic Journeys
Meditation on Infinity Within
Higher Dimensions, Other Worlds
Working with Multiversal Selves
Hermes- The Arrow of Time & the Timeless
Inner Yoga, Wheels of Light & Rainbow Body
Meeting Your Spirit Guides
Whirlwind Clearing
Meditation on the Rising and Setting Sun
The levels below describe the trajectory of an individual seeking to walk the most disciplined path of spiritual learning in SBL. However, there are numerous pathways to spiritual growth that are unique to each individual.
Pali word meaning Elder. This level is reached after 7 years. This is the group of respected senior Sangha who advise the community
Sanskrit words meaning Noble Community Member. Spanda defines this as a Community Leader
Sanskrit word meaning "association,assembly, or company;" a Truth Community Member and Formal Student. Spanda defines Sangha as one who is devoted to the community as a member of our family. Sangha practice both work on self to subtract anger, fear, and limiting beliefs as well as giving service to the world.
Emergent Sangha is one who is in the process of becoming a formal student; an initiatory and formative time of intense healings and blessings to become more clear and whole.
Sanskrit word meaning "one who is associated with the Truth." Spanda defines this one as being casually associated, one who comes or goes as a friend or guest, without practicing the teachings, and without making any heart felt commitment to the community. These people however enjoy the energy and information and sometimes are of service to the community and sometimes make offerings.
“Spanda Makt a man of wisdom, expresses himself simply and eloquently with his timeless words. He successfully presents a higher perspective about what our priorities need to be regarding health, relationships and fulfilling our life objectives. Raul is both a man of wisdom and a spokesperson for the oneness of love.”
““I find Spanda to be a person of exceptional integrity and keen perception. He knows what to say and when to say it. He always contributes something to people, situations and events. Despite all his exceptional talents and abilities, he still manages to remain humble and unassuming. That’s why I like spending time with him.”
“My relationship with Spanda has been integral to my development both as a person, and in my entertainment career. Spanda exists on a plane that most people are unable to comprehend. He possesses an uncanny ability to attain and share prophetic wisdom in just the way it needs to be heard. Every call he has made about my career has been spot on.
Everything he has seen in me as a person – things that I didn’t believe in, or know existed – have manifested themselves exponentially over the years as I have grown. Spanda has vision that reaches far beyond what most eyes can see.
His ability to see and feel potential in individuals and groups is something particularly valuable and unique. He can, within moments, ascertain an accurate understanding of a person, their roles, the way they see themselves, and all of the gifts and hidden possibilities that this person has to offer. In addition to his ability to gain and discover the more intangible types of truths, he also has a gift for teaching such truths to all kinds of ears; untrained and learned alike.
Spanda is kind and compassionate. He listens earnestly. He carries an immense presence with him that could fill the largest of rooms. He has been an incredible teacher, mentor, and friend to me over the years. I could not recommend him enough. If you have the privilege to work with, seek guidance from, or simply have lunch with Spanda. I suggest you take the opportunity. The things you could learn will change your life.”