Two Upcoming Soul Based Living Events

Hi everybody
Two upcoming Soul Based Living Events
More news, more excitement, and travel, as we get closer to
Sept. 9TH 2009, ( 9-9-09)
which is the official launch date for Soul Based Living to formally begin as a organization.Here is some news. 
I have been invited to speak to a group called Spirit Wind in Auburn which is in Northern California.

Soul Based Living @ Spirit Wind in Auburn
Friday night
introduction June 6TH and
a seminar on Saturday June 7TH. (email me for details)

This very special event will focus on how to practically focus on Enlightenment in modern life.
Our thoughts and feeling about our self is a script for our personality.We are so much more and how to access that potential for ourselves and use this information to free humanity from it's self imposed bondage of limiting thinking will be part of these events.

I will be leading a new seminar called
Being Enlightenment
@ the Awareness Institute on July 13TH

This event is in Southern California, in Corona. This is a very special event for sincere seekers only. Those dedicated to "The Path" or a way of life toward Reality. ( The Real World)
It will be at the Awareness Institute on July 13TH

Full details are in the beautifully made attachment( Thanks Anita) so just click on it.

Raul RosilesComment