The Song of Soul Based Living Launch Party

The Song Of Soul Based Living



Launch Party!


You are invited to be part of a amazing evening


with guest speakers, live music, and refreshments.


Our stars for the evening:

Melinda Woolf of I AM Soul Centered

JoyDawn with a Ceremony to begin Soul Based Living

Al Diaz with Unconditional Love

Devin Haas: Sitar music

Ginger Lee with Sacred fan dance

Robin Masiewicz with The Flower Code

Raul Rosiles ( that guy) will be introducing us to

Soul Based Living and

Secret Life of Letters

Melinda Rodriguez: Drumming:

the heart beat begins....


Sept. 12 4:30pm till 8:30pm


At Ginger's Garden


2488 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa Ca 92627




Please rsvp by emailing Raul

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