The Song of Soul Based Living is born on 9/9/09

Today is July 10th,2009

A little about the deeper meaning of the birth of this new organization.




I am working with a Spirit group called The Wonders.



The Wonders are high dimensional beings who work with people creating



new art, new science, and new philosophy, & new sprituality



The Wonders guide a movement on Earth called Gathering of Light.



The Gathering of Light is a group of people working on a soul level together to bring about a beautiful world of love on Earth. Some of these people are working on a tangible level together.



Some feel they are working with others in energy but don't yet know who. Some will never meet on a 3 dimensional level.



Soul Based Living is a new organization offering the best of ageless wisdom and current voices in science, art, philosophy, and spirituality. Soul Based living is apart of the Gathering of Light.



I trust that's not too confusing. HaHa. contact me anytime to communicate further about this.



I am writing these words not just to convey these ideas to you, but to offer you Love & Blessings thru the energies of these words.

Raul RosilesComment