What is Satsang?
Satsang is a gathering together to reach the Truth, or to inquire into our true nature.
From Enlightenment's perspective, Satsang means
sat = Holy, and sanga = Body or Form
Holy Body
We are all Enlightened in our deeper Truth of Being . Some have an Enlightenment experience and serve humanity.
This being serves humanity as living path, a bridge, a Star Gate for others to journey into Love, Wisdom, and Unity Reality. These three aspects are in fact our true nature, only awaiting the subtraction of anger, fear, and limiting beliefs to emerge. During Satsang, people receive the four graces of enlightenment: love, peace, healing, and blessings.
This Satsang will include an Cosmic Fire Transmission, guided meditation, a talk, and a question and answer time. Raul and the attendees create a form or body, a sacred space filled with divine energy, greatly benefiting all and promoting Enlightenment and the Evolution of Being.