Welcome note from founder
We are One
The S.O.L. is the Story of Life
The path is to discover the W.A.Y., who are you?
Soul Based living is interfaith, and no faith
Soul Based Living is dedicated to nine Objectives: Unity, Exploring the Universe, Freedom, Wholeness, Awareness, Education, Culture, Peace, and Ecology.
Soul Based Living is inspired by “The Wonders” who are a spirit group whose energy is located within the Great Central Sun at the center of our galaxy. The wonders exemplify nine values, which encompass, love, inspiration, wisdom, perception, imagination, truth, beauty, excellence, and gratitude.
Soul Based Living contains 81 aspects, eighty one separate but related aspects, based on the Law of Correspondence, about how everything exists in relation to everything else.
This is like the Buddhist idea of Dependant Origination, and the Holographic Universe Theory. What I’m saying is that nothing can be understood by itself without relating it to everything else. Some aspects of this law relate to Communication, Theology, Mathematics, and a general Theory of Truth.
Soul Based Living is a not-for-profit organization offering the best of ageless wisdom and the best of current wisdom voices through Books, CD’s, DVD’s, and Seminars.
Raul Rosiles is the founder of Soul Based Living; Raul had a moment of self realization as a four year old child. A voice said, “Always remember this moment.”
He has practiced meditation for three hours per day for six years.
Raul was on the committee to create the global event Live H2o in 2009.
He is on the team creating the Global Illumination Celebrations which began
Dec. 21 2009.
He has done his intuitive consultations at the Ritz Carlton on Maui and at the Luxor in Las Vegas, and over the phone across the USA.
His messages include information about love, enlightenment, non-duality, and philosophy. Raul’s work has taken him to Tokyo, Hawaii, Sacramento, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas, New York among other places.