One year countdown

Hello All..
On Sept. 9TH 2008, a one year countdown began to the launch of
Soul Based Living as a world-round organization.
At that time on Sept 9TH, 2009, news about
Centers for Soul Based Living will be announced.
So what is this all about?
First of all...Many of you have received emails from me from since 2003.
I have written philosophical and mystical essays, kept you in touch with my travels.
( New York, Maui, Sacramento, Tokyo, San Diego...),written about the future and current events.
I also have shared about my life as a teacher and a person.
This summer is a bit quiet for Soul Based Living...however in coming months I will be sharing about a planned Soul Based Living retreat in the L.A. area this winter, a return to speak again in Northern Ca.and a trip to speak in Japan. A Soul Based Living event in England is taking longer to plan than I thought but it will happen in perfect timing.
Now what is Soul Based Living?!!

The mission of Soul Based Living is to help individuals to attain higher levels of Enlightenment, and to bring on The Enlightenment of the world.
*Our short term goal is to help the world in this rebirth from a Global Consciousness to a Solar System Consciousness.
*Our mid term goal is to help humanity in establishing colonies on at least two other planets in two other solar systems.
*Our long term goal is to help humanity in its journey of exploration to the center of the galaxy.
Each of these goals are both practical and spiritual in value.
Soul Based Living is a philosophy of Light.
A light seen as nine rays (or a nine pointed Star.)
Each ray ( or point of the star) represents nine aspects of

Soul Based Living
9. Spirit
8. Soul
7. Mind
6. Body
5. Persona
4. Emotion
3. Creativity
2. Action.
1. Being

Each of these nine, has nine sub-aspects.
One inspired description I have for you is that Soul Based Living can be seen as a nine- dimensional star .
Soul Based Living, as an organization will produce books, seminars,
retreats, art shows, acting classes, energy healing training, and much more all over the world in all the major languages.
Each aspect of Soul Based Living will have teams of people working toward a mission.
The first team is an advisory team for Soul Based Living
I am happy to announce the members of the advisory team.

Al Diaz
Al Diaz is an authentic Speaker, Author, and Guide, and who also inspired The Titus Concept. Al’s intent is to heal, bless, and empower as many people as possible including my Self, that triggers shift and change, ascension through Love, newer, higher, raised levels of awareness, discover newer dimensions that represent liberation, shatter what no longer serves us for our best and highest good, the freeing of our Heart for our own personal greatness, awaken in a gentle, loving and creative way as possible, Love towards all and Self, and kNow we are the essence of the Creator of all creation.
Steve Knox
Steve is a being who wants to learn. He has always been willing to go through whatever it takes to reach a state of knowing and understanding. Sometimes this involves working through the discomfort of the unconscious mind structures. But once these stages have been worked through, he becomes the willing teacher. Steve has taught elementary school for over 7 years, and this joyfully includes his yogic training. He has been practicing yoga for over 10 years, and this has been his main vehicle for bringing about conscious awareness. Combining strategies learned in yoga, meditation, reading, and other areas of life into ever-changing and expanded applications is another one of his strengths.

Joy Dawn
JoyDawn, through Dawning of Joy, Power For Conscious Living, has over four decades of working with transformational energetic modalities for powerful personal growth on physical, mental, emotional, astral, karmic and ethereal planes. She facilitates a sacred space for each individual to open to the Higher self, overriding the personality self, to allow and receive change, if and when they choose to.

Leonell Burgess
"K. Leonell Burgess II is an Oneironaut (Dream-Explorer) with over 15 years of experience in dream interpretation & analysis. His studies have led him into Membership with the Lucidity Institute (founded by dream expert, Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D.) & the Foundation of Shamanic Studies (founded by Michael Harner). Upon a foundation of Ancient Wisdom, personal meditations and intuitive foresight his work expands specifically into the areas of musical expression/sound-design, Trans humanism & progressive manifestations of the "Global Village" concept in action."
Adam Larson
Well, let's see. There's not a lot to say about me really. Overall, in life, above all else, I'm a Husband to a beautiful Wife and a Dad to two wonderful Children. My Wife and I have established a nice living in the charming small one-main-street town of Seal Beach, CA. My hobbies include being a member of a Corvair car club, playing Chess, watching Movies, staying in shape to compete in Triathlons, and playing Legos with my Children. I awoke at age 14 to discover a world where 95% of the people are asleep. Since then, I've learned that I possess a talent to manifest things into my life by visualization.
I deeply thank the members of the Advisory team for their energy and intentions to assist Soul Based Living in this time of its birth.
Soul Based Living has other teams I invite you to join, just contact me if you are so moved.

SBL Healing teacher training team.
SBL Acting teacher training team.
SBL Art show team
SBL teacher training team
SBL Philosophy team
SBL Science team
SBL Writing team
SBL Vitality team
SBL Success team
Thank you and fasten your seat belt for the launch of Soul Based Living!

Raul RosilesComment